Monday, September 29, 2008

Our Last Meeting & Our Next

We had a great meeting on Sunday with many in attendance. Thank you to all who came. Our meeting was conducted by our new Director, who has some great ideas for the family history centers in our stake - and was even able keep the meeting to under an hour!

One of the first things we discussed was our ordering a new Digital Imaging System. We won't be able to get it until next year but we are very excited. Instead of the traditional method of looking at the film then moving it to our film printer if we wanted a copy (at $.75 a copy) this new machine can take digital copies of the film that you can store on your flash drive (memory stick, thumbnail drive - whatever you want to call that thing) or you can even e-mail it to yourself.
In order to qualify for this machine we have to be open for 20 hours/week, have 20 patrons/week and order 20 films/month. The first 2 we have easily but we need to make sure we continue to order 20 films each month. Luckily this includes all our Stake locations combined. It was suggested we post a notice on this blog if it's getting close to the end of the month and we haven't met our goal so you can go down and order that film we know you've had your eye on but have procrastinated ordering...

We received a handout explaining the differences of some of the Churches Family History websites: FamilySearch, new.FamilySearch, FamilySearch Labs, FamilyTree, RecordSearch, FamilySearch Indexing, FamilySearch Wiki and FamilySearch Archives. For more details contact Janet for a copy - just know that there are a lot of exciting things happening and we get to be first in line to see them all...

Next was a sheet describing the Family History Consultant Checklist for when you are working with people in the community and in your wards. We were also given some samples of useful websites - which I would like to put links to on this site but you'll have to be somewhat patient with me while I try to get everything organized.

One of the most important topics discussed on Sunday was the start of classes at the FHC. We would like all of you to teach at least one class. Please contact Janet or myself to let us know what subjects you are comfortable teaching. (You can also leave a comment on this post) If you are well versed in a specific topic or area but don't feel comfortable teaching we can have you team up with someone who may not feel like they are knowledgeable on a specific topic but would like to teach - let us know if you fall into one of these groups too.
We want to have weekly classes open to the members and the community taught by the consultants and patrons. We also want to have training classes in our monthly meetings with the consultants to help train us to know everything everyone else knows... If there is a specific topic you would like taught, let us know.
I hope you are all still reading (it's a bit more lengthy than I planned) because we're getting to the good stuff... Our next meeting will be October 12th at 6:00 pm at the Stake Center. Janet has informed me I'm teaching about the new.FamilySearch :) I need your input as well because we've all had different experiences with this new program. Bring your questions - and your solutions!
We will also be planning our schedule for the next year too so this is your chance to give your input.

Lastly I want to clarify who is invited to these meetings. I use the term "consultants" because it's easiest. I refer to the volunteers in each of the family history centers in our stakes & those called as Ward Consultants. We'd also like to invite those experienced genealogist that want to learn more and/or want to share what they know with others. Let's not forget the novice that knows they should be doing genealogy but don't know where to start. Last, but not least, we want the ward & stake leaders who can influence others to do the work, High Priest Group Leaders are over family history in each ward so they are invited but it would be great to have young men/young women leaders, Elders' Quorum, Relief Society, Primary, Sunday School, Activity leaders - heck, nursery leaders are more than welcome to come! (If I forgot someone make sure you bring them along too...)

It seems like I've forgotten something but I can't think what it is - and I think this is plenty long as it is. We will try to remind you again by blog and e-mail about the October meeting. If you haven't received any e-mails yet, but would like to - or if you would like an e-mail to let you know whenever this blog has been updated - e-mail me at (I'd prefer you didn't leave your e-mail in a comment here for security reasons...)

I've said "let us know" about 20 times now but we really do need your feedback to improve the quantity and quality of service we are able to give. Thank you for your support!

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