Saturday, October 18, 2008

More from the Ohana Newsletter

Spotlight on: FamilySearch Wiki

If you never heard of the term Wiki, today is your lucky day. It is the Hawaiian word for "fast" but in today's world, Wikis are collaborative websites created for sharing information often on a specific topic. Wikipedia is a well-known online encyclopedia.
The "FamilySearch Wiki" is a large, on–line library where you can find thousands of articles and how–to instructions about doing family history." [ ]. If you are familiar with the Research Guidance section of, FamilySearch Wiki will be its replacement. What you will see today is only the beginning of what is envisioned for this site.
If you have a question about how to start doing family history, go to FamilySearch Wiki, from the index on the right, click "Find articles by topic" and choose "Beginners". From this page you may choose for a myriad of articles, including help with documentation, organization, genealogical proof standards (the minimum requirements for your work to be credible), burning a CD, and Rookie Mistakes. Perhaps we should all review this article!
Rather that trying teach you how to use this site, I will direct you to the site's training video. Go to: From the index on the right, click on "Learn how to get started on this site" and select Quick Start – Overview 1. Let the training video load before clicking on the start arrow. This will take a few minutes but it will allow the video to run smoothly. Watch and learn then use the Wiki to learn even more.

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