Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Some Insight from

Synchronizing My Heart and My Mind
I don’t know if you have this problem, but sometimes I wish it was as easy to synchronize my heart and mind as it is to synchronize records. I learned about FamilySearch family tree in January of 2004 and since that time I have developed a great love for and understanding of this new system and I strive to help others catch that same vision.
When I teach classes I often stress that having more than one opinion in FamilySearch can be good and that you do not necessarily want to get rid of all alternative names, dates and places as these can help others find the records of their ancestors. After all, if one person found evidence that grandpa Arnold was named Arron, others will undoubtedly find the same record. Therefore, having the records combined in FamilySearch will help them find their ancestor in the system and learn the correct name.
So, why is it that I sometimes find myself getting a bit hot under the collar when I see one of my ancestor’s with a "misspelled" name? Why do I get frustrated when I see the birthplace listed as one town and I "know" they were born someplace else? Am I annoyed because I really want accurate records or am I actually suffering from the malady of pride and intolerance? Am I reacting poorly because I traded total control of "my records" for sharing and cooperation and sometimes finding out I was wrong?
I do not, in any way, suggest that we settle for incorrect or even mediocre records but I find that sometimes I simply must put my pride in check and strive for greater love and respect for others. After all, they are most likely my relatives and what good is turning my heart to my fathers if I hold a grudge against my cousins? Besides, I look at some of my early temple and Ancestral File submissions and think, "how dumb"until I remember that the submission was made when I was learning. I bet I’m not the only one that is embarrassed by some of their earlier work so I’m thrilled that FamilySearch family tree allows us "repent" by providing a way to amend the previously "untouchable" temple records and update other submissions.
It is humbling to find that my head and heart aren’t always in sync but I am working on it as I work to synchronize my records. I wonder which will be done first?
~ Cina Johnson ~

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